Thursday, August 6, 2009

Shubenacadie, NS to Dartmouth, NS

Today was a good day. We got up, had some coffee, and went next door to the restaurant for breakfast. We were the first to arrive, and walked into an empty place. After a minute tor two, we knocked on the door to see if anyone was in the kitchen, and the cook, a German woman, came into the dining room. She stated that she was the only one there, and would be the only one all day. Poor woman! This is the same woman who had a good appreciation for our bikes and who kidded that she wanted to ride on the back of mine.

We ordered, and helped ourselves to coffee and water. She seemed to appreciate our willingness to help out. In a bit, the food arrived and what a meal she delivered! I ordered an omelette with cheddar cheese and bacon, and it was definitely filled with cheddar cheese and bacon. And there were 3 slices of bacon on the side! On top of that, it was very good. They ordered pancakes and bacon, and were very pleased with their meals. Breakfast was a hit!

After breakfast, we packed up, got on the bikes, and went to the big bridge to see the bore tide arrive. It was due to arrive at 11:55am. We got there at 10:45am, in plenty of time to see it. They went to an observation platform over the river, and I went under the big bridge.

When I got to where I was going to watch it, there was a creek emptying into the river about 100 yds away. So, I walked to the creek, where there were a bunch of kids playing. What they were doing was mud sliding, where they sat on their behinds and slid down the creekbank to the creek. They were having a huge ball!

The creek bank is red mud. It does not have rocks or other hard things in it, so the mud is safe to play in. And play they did. I took some pics and watched them play for quite a while, waiting on the tide to come. The water in the creek (as well as in the river) is as red as the Yadkin River, which is always red from erosion. This river is also full of silt from erosion, but it's primarily naturally occuring due to the red mud banks.

Finally, at around 12:20, the bore tide arrived. I was disappointed that it was not a wave or a rush of water, but instead just a little water trickling from the opposite direction of normal flow. But as it continued coming, the river, which was pretty narrow in the beginning, became wider and deeper. Within about 30 minutes, the river was a raging river, flowing "uphill" due to the tide. Pretty neat phenomenom.

I went back to the creek area, and it was now a full creek, with several boatloads of kids playing in the mud. They were having a ball.

When we had seen enough,we got on the bikes and headed for Peggy's Cove, just south of Halifax. The ride to Peggy's Cove was on a four-lane highway, and went fast and easy.

Once in Peggy's Cove, we had lunch and did tourist things. Peggy's Cove is a neat tourist trap, with a lighthouse located on huge granite boulders out on a point. Very picturesque and a pretty place. The granite boulders were very pretty; I enjoyed seeing them and walking all over them.

We bought a few souvenirs and then left for the motel in Dartmouth. Tonight is Linda's last night of the adventure; she flies back home tomorrow morning.

Our ride today was about 112 miles.

Tomorrow--leave for home.

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